MK Ultra Hash
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It’s important to start with a small amount of hash, as it contains a high concentration of THC and the consumption method produces a rapid onset of effect.
Hash can be consumed with a vaporizer like the Utillian 721, with a pipe or bong (preferably with the use of a pipe screen, used to prevent clogging and resin buildup) or added to your rolled joint. It’s important to start with a small amount of hash (about the size of a grain of rice). Start with a single inhalation then wait at least 10 minutes to determine the effects before consuming more. To learn more about how to consume concentrates, check out this blog.
Each package of MK Ultra Hash contains the equivalent of 4 grams of dried cannabis. To learn more about dried cannabis equivalencies, click here.
About Aurora
Innovation is at the heart of Aurora-brand products from Aurora Medical. That means modern, convenient formats and specially bred strains with the qualities and characteristics you’re looking for.